Kinbaku Society of Berlin

Passionate to research japanese bondage

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Thirteen: the bewitched number. Lucky you – you’ve got one of the carefully edited and hand-numbered issues in your hands. Thanks to Komainu and her team for bringing this magazine into being.

We dedicated our research for this issue to the myths and fairy tales that feed our phantasies and inspire our tying. When we reach out in Kinbaku, beyond petty techniques and pretty pictures – where do we go? Our answer is to dive into the endless ocean of our own fantasy, to get lost in the forest of fiction, and to inquire about our dark desires.

Our fantasies, the tales we tell ourselves, are individual – as we humans are. And at the same time, they are fed from the narrative soil of the cultures we grew into.

Cultures are liquid, they change. And so do the stories we tell each other. In my homeland, the Brothers Grimm collected and compiled the old folk tales. But in this process, they got more or less heavily revised, smoothed and shaped in expression and statement. What was lost was the cruelty or even ferocity most of these old tales consisted of; but also eros, lust, and desire (or rape and abuse) were edited out. Does this sound familiar? Why is it so difficult to face these dark parts of our soul?

So, into the darkness we go. The leaves fell, bare stand the trees. Fog rolls in. Follow me, indulge in the details of the hand-drawn graphics of Manuela Schiano, our featured artist, learn about the fairies in East and West – and about the transmutations of sexual identity in the History of Eroguro. See what I desire – there are not only ropes, there are sharp blades, skillfully crafted.

I hope we can put a spell on you. I hope you get some beautiful feelings. But be aware: there is something lurking in the dark…

Alexander MA

Weight ,2 kg
Dimensions 24 × 17 cm


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